“The Bible Guy” and our close reading of the book of Genesis is going on hiatus for the month of August. If you are a paid subscriber, your billing cycle is automatically “paused” so that no billing time elapses until I turn it on again.
We’ll resume in September, just in time to hear “Eve” (who has not yet acquired that name) tell God that the snake messed with her mind.
In addition to giving me the chance to recharge and handle some other projects I’ve been neglecting, this should give folks who have not been signed on since the beginning a chance to catch up.
Since we started last September, we’ve read 2½ chapters of Genesis together — quite a bit more than the one chapter in a semester that had a long-ago professor apologizing for moving so fast. I, for one, have learned a tremendous amount, and I hope you have too.
Free subscribers (I’m told) can’t convert to paid subscriptions while billing is paused, but they can read all the free content that’s been posted, so do share it with anyone you think might enjoy learning with us. It is still possible to sign up for a free subscription during the pause.
The very first post is here for those who’d like to start at the very beginning. A longer explanation of what’s going on is here. My original WordPress “Bible Guy” blog (still being updated from time to time) is here. My weekly Torah Talk column continues, and it continues to be free.
And this is an ideal time to start learning Biblical Hebrew if you don’t already know it, or to strengthen your knowledge if you do know some Hebrew. That is most definitely part of the Bible Guy project here on Substack! Don’t forget, you can always watch Lesson 1 of the course for free at this link, where you’ll learn to read the last word of the book of Psalms and Gen 1:3.
♫ See you in September! ♫
Thanks for your very kind support, Gary.
Enjoy your well-deserved rest. It's been an incredible journey and we all need to be refreshed. We thank you for your hard work